الاستجابة لحالة الطوارئ وتقديم المساعدات لاخواننا النازحين من جنوب لبنان والضاحية الجنوبية
فريق جمعية حماية دعم وعطاء واكثر من ٥٠ متطوع يساعدون في تقديم المساعدات لاخواننا النازحين من جنوب لبنان والضاحية الجنوبية
Continue Reading22/02/2025
فريق جمعية حماية دعم وعطاء واكثر من ٥٠ متطوع يساعدون في تقديم المساعدات لاخواننا النازحين من جنوب لبنان والضاحية الجنوبية
Continue ReadingSubject: Urgent Appeal for Financial and In-Kind Support to Assist Displaced Populations in Lebanon In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis
Continue ReadingWhen women Leadership is on the decision making table discussing Localization, Gender Equality, and strengthening the capacity of Women Led Organization a key objective of CAFI phase II project funded by #germanfederalforeignoffice
Amman- Jordan September 05-2023
#jeannettefrangieh #himayadaeemaataa #calltoaction #gbv #womenempowerment #womenledorganizations#CAFI
CAFI’s Network in Lebanon is composed of 17 Women Led Organizations working together to achieve the goal and objectives of
Continue ReadingWhen women Leadership is on the decision making table discussing Localization, Gender Equality, and strengthening the capacity of Women Led Organization a key objective of CAFI phase II project funded by #germanfederalforeignoffice
Amman- Jordan September 05-2023
#jeannettefrangieh #himayadaeemaataa #calltoaction #gbv #womenempowerment #womenledorganizations#CAFI
With colleagues of the Call to Action Steering Committee(UNHCR , USAID, IOM, AWO)at the German Foreign Affairs Office #berlin discussing strategic plans and pledges supporting #GBV in emergencies. In addition for the preparation of the high level side event of the CTA at UNGA New York. #jeannettefrangieh #calltoaction #berlin #GBV #UNHCR #usaid #iom
Continue Readingmeeting with our partner CARE Germany team preparing for the implementation of the CAFI phase II project funded by the #germanfederalforeignoffice
#himayadaeemaataa is the CAFI phase II partner in Lebanon. #jeannettefrangieh #calltoaction #GBV #berlin #himaya_daeem_aataa
— in Berlin, Germany.
Continue ReadingThe outcome of the Project is to increase Accountability to women and girls in emergencies through sustainable implementation of CTA
Continue ReadingCAFI II is a consortium of 12 partners, funded by GFFO. This project will be implemented in the following countries:
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