CAFI II Consortium
CAFI II is a consortium of 12 partners, funded by German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) Auswärtiges Amt. This project will be implemented in the following countries:
#colombia, #Iraq, #lebanon, #Libya, #Mali, #nigeria , #democraticrepublicofcongo, #ukraine , #venezuela, #jordan
CARE Germany #caredl is the lead member of this multi-country-project involving the following countries and parties:
Care_USA #carefans
Arab Women Association of Jordan #arabwomenjo(AWO)
#BaghdadWomenAssociation (BWA) Iraq
Centre Women’s Perspectives (CWP) Ukraine
Comité des Jeunes Filles Leaders #cojefil (COJEFIL) Niger
Dynamique des Femmes Juristes #dynamique_des_femmes_juristes (DFJ) DRC
Venezuela (tbc)
Fundación para el desarrollo en Género y Familia #genfami (GENFAMI) Colombia
Global Media Campaign to End FGM #gmcendfgm (GMC) Mali
Himaya Daeem Aataa #himaya_daeem_aataa (HDA) Lebanon
Libya (tbc)