
HDA Promotes women’s issues and lobby for reform that improve women situation in Lebanon and advocate for changing laws such as early marriage, rape and allowing Lebanese Women to provide their nationalities to their children.
HDA works on advocacy for legal reforms on child, early and forced marriage (CEFM),and working on advocacy to end violence and discrimination against women and girls, and raising the awareness about VAWG on the grassroots level.
advocates for the recognition of women’s rights as human rights and for the promotion of legal and political reforms that catalyze positive change. HDA builds partnerships to create solidarity among women and aggregate their efforts to end discrimination and violence against women. HDA participated in the consultation of drafting the women’s strategy in Lebanon in line with the Law 1325 by the Lebanese women Commission in Lebanon. HDA is participating in the consultation to introduce Gender in the Anti- corruption strategy in Lebanon implemented by the UNDP.
HDA fights for human rights in general and women and girl’s rights especially.
Manage local advocacy campaigns fighting for women rights and reducing discrimination against women.
HDA advocates for women’s inclusion in all the decision making positions.